Friday, April 24, 2020

Why Supposed MKE Residents Don't Census

When it comes to screeching for "Free" Federal Money, Tommy-Boy Barrett is among the loudest.

..."There are literally millions, tens of millions of dollars at stake because so many programs both at the national level and at the state level are determined by population," Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said. "And it's important that our residents be counted." ...

This particular Loud Beg happened because supposed Milwaukee residents have not returned their Census forms.

Here's a multiple-choice test for you, dear readers:

The supposed residents confuse them with mail-in ballots;

The supposed residents are illegals;

The supposed residents actually left Milwaukee years ago in utter disgust, but ancient "voter registration" assumes they are still in MKE?

You can choose more than one of the above answers.

While Barrett of the Big City begs for more "free" dollars, remember this:  sometime very soon, we'll all be hearing about how Blue Cities support the Red Suburbs.


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