Sunday, April 05, 2020

What Barrett the Election-Whiner Does NOT Say

Tom (Milk-Carton) Barrett showed up on all the local newscasts whining and wailing about PANDEMIC!!  WORLDWIDE!!  WE NEED RESPONSE!!  PUBBIES EVIL!!!

Barrett is in favor of moving the election to May, or simply mailing blank ballots to everybody, or some damn thing.

In his narrative, the EVIL PUBBIES have suppressed all the voters.

Sure, Tom.  Whatever.

Here's what he won't tell you:

...As of today requests for absentee ballots are still being processed but nearly 1.3M ballots have been sent out. A reasonable estimate of voter participation for a spring election without a close presidential primary would be 1.5M. Turnout in 2016 was an all-time record at 2.1M but that included two very tight presidential primary races. In 2012 turnout was 1.1M voters without a presidential primary in doubt. The Tuesday in-person turnout is difficult to predict but if turnout at the polling places was 20% of the total we might see over 1.6M votes cast....--Dean Knudson quoted at Boots/Sabers
IOW, almost everyone who intends to vote has already requested an absentee ballot, based on voting history in this State.

Barrett's EMERGENCY!!!  DEMOCRACY KILLED BY PUBBIES!! is--as usual with Barrett--B.S.

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