Saturday, April 18, 2020

The ChinaFlu Numbers: MUCH Better

The more that's known, the less the ChinaFlu is dangerous.

...For example, the CDC states that 247,785 people tested positive for the flu this winter and about 24,000 died. This makes the CFR for the flu 10%; nine in ten people who get the flu don’t die of it! While only 247,785 people tested positive, the CDC estimates that 39 million people were actually infected with influenza this winter. Hence, the IFR for the flu is around 0.1%.

New data supports the idea that SARS-CoV-2 is much more widespread than previously believed. Researchers have tried an indirect approach to approximate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 by comparing the incidence of excess influenza-like infections that are correlated to areas of COVID-19 infection. “This corresponds to at least 28 million presumed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 patients across the U.S. during the three weeks from March 8 to March 28.” They go on to note, “[T]hese results suggest a conceptual model for the COVID-19 epidemic in the U.S. in which rapid spread across the U.S. is combined with a large population of infected patients with presumably mild-to-moderate clinical symptoms.” This is a dramatic change from earlier projections and drops the projected IFR down to around 0.1% — or basically the same as this year’s flu...
The MD who wrote this essay (one of four who collaborated) did not mention the California study which we referenced below--but that would simply confirm the theory he presents.

At this point, it's clear:  Evers is merely being a tin-horn dictator, using scare tactics to imprison the population of Wisconsin and kill off as many businesses as he possibly can.

Wait 'till next Friday, Tony.  Things will be much more interesting then.

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