Thursday, April 02, 2020

Huawei's in Trouble. Thank God

The 5G manufacturer/vendor Huawei--a wholly-owned and -operated subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party--may have lost its contract with England.

Oh, snap!

CDMedia has heard from two sources close to the matter that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will cancel the UK’s contract for 5G wireless service from the Chinese conglomerate Huawei. The move is a stunning reversal of fortune for Huawei, the flagship nationalized vehicle for advancing the CCP’s growing soft power in the West.

The implications are fraught for any sovereign country that agrees to contract with Huawei for 5G. The Chinese Communist Party is the de facto owner of the tech giant, and the CCP makes no secret of its plans for global domination. Given China’s history of intellectual and technological theft, agreeing to let them play host to all the online information of any nation is dicey enough on its face....
Frankly, we never understood why England committed to Huawei in the first damn place.

But this gets better!

...Johnson is said to be furious with China for a number of reasons, not least of which is his own positive test result for COVID-19 on March 27. Further complicating matters, a recent shipment of test kits bound for the UK were found to be contaminated with coronavirus.

In other words, take the test and get infected....
Huawei is very important to the ChiComs.  Naturally, the Party's bigwigs are raking in the profits from this venture (what?  you thought 'the people' got some?) just like any other venture in Commie-Land--so this will nick their piggy banks.  But this is only one of the very many ChiCom holdings which are now in Deep Shit.

And that's all good.

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