Friday, April 03, 2020

Fauci Goes Nuts

It's become more and more clear that Dr. Fauci--who is well-intentioned--is going nuts.  If he's not careful, he will be remembered as the SuperNerd of Economic Death.

Fauci said that we can start to "relax" social distancing once there are "no new cases, no deaths.
Where Dr. Fauci works, there are no layoffs, no furloughs, no missed or diminished paychecks, great benefits, and a wonderful pension system.

In the real world, UC claims hit SIX MILLION last week, 30% or more of restaurants/bars will be bankrupt by the end of this month, and manufacturing will soon be at a near-standstill with the closure of all Big Three and some other-label auto plants in the US--and that's just for starters.  Hotels, airlines, movie theatres, and churches also face serious negative financial impact, and to top it off, "What to do with the children no longer in school?" is a big question for two-income families.

"Work at home" only goes so far, and it's only good until one of those employers moves to Furlough or Layoff........which WILL happen.

This economy needs money-turnover to survive and that is rapidly diminishing.

Fauci is a doctor.  To him, every problem is a virus or a germ.  Sorry, Doc--that ain't the way it is.

Codevilla makes the same point (and the rest of his essay is worth the read):

...President Trump, as well as the governors of some states, have been stampeded out of their common sense into shutting down the country until further notice. The bureaucratic-media complex has done this on the supposed basis of medical authority. But the doctors have not been speaking as doctors on the basis of knowledge of the human body while offering cures or even palliatives. No. Their judgments are based on speculation about the meaning of mathematical models.

They are not acting like good doctors but rather like bad politicians....

He's well-intentioned and wrong as Hell.

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