Thursday, April 16, 2020

Evers Awards Self a Hero Badge, Then Kills State Economy

Tony Evers, the bureaucrat who never missed a paycheck in his entire career, awarded himself a Hero of the Republic badge today, claiming that his earlier "cower at home" order has saved hundreds, nay---THOUSANDS of lives.

Sure, Tony.  Take another couple of tokes.

Then Tony Evers, the bureaucrat who never missed a paycheck in his entire career, ordered his subjects to continue cowering at home regardless of their impending bankruptcies.  Retailers, farmers, restaurant/bar owners, hair cutters/stylers, and innumerable other "inessential people" who starve will be referred to breadlines.  Please note: "inessential people" are roughly congruent with "deplorables."  You know the types:  in the office or store around 7AM, closing it up around 7 PM, paying employees (other "inessentials"), paying taxes, contributing to charities, praying to God.......THOSE deplorables.  And that reminds me:  Comrade Tony has also forbidden the free exercise of religion and the right to assembly.  It would be a lot of fun if the Uber-Comrade were to try revoking the Second Amendment.  (Go ahead, Tony.  Make my day!!)

By the way, Evers has not yet 'begun to think about' how to staff and provision the breadlines, but never mind.  That's merely a detail, and Tony's Great Mind cannot bother with details.  After all, he's a Hero of the Republic, comrade.

After all, murdering an entire State economy takes really hard work--from 9AM to around 1PM.  After that, the bureaucrat who never missed a paycheck in his entire career turns the State over to Maggie and Andrea, two of the most bloodthirsty babes in Wisconsin history. 

However, some of the subjects think they are actually "citizens."  They will gather on the Capitol grounds this Saturday (4/18) AND next Friday (4/24).  They may chant things like "Tony Is The Killer Virus" and Hey Hey!! Ho Ho!! Tony-Boy Has Got to Go!! and other rude stuff.

There may or may not be a traffic blockade, too, just for fun.

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