Thursday, April 09, 2020

Clinton Strategist Preps WI for Long Shutdown

Andrea Palm, whose career includes serving as a marketing strategist for the Hillary Clinton campaign (a failure) is paving the way for bankrupting Wisconsin businesses (the ones not yet BK) AND for throwing the November election (!!)

Wisconsin Department of Health Services Secretary Andrea Palm predicts the state’s coronavirus peak will happen in the next three to six weeks. The peak and an extension of “Safer at Home” depends on how much in-person voting contributed to the virus spreading. 

Palm told Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce in a webinar the prediction is based on how well Wisconsin continues to implement Gov. Tony Evers’ “safer at home” order and “what the impact yesterday’s election might have on transmission rate.

“We’re going to have to deal that into our model as the data becomes more available and it becomes more clear what Tuesday did to us,” she said.  ...

“We believe at this point, based on our model, based on the four or five other models that are  floating around, that our peak is anywhere from the next three weeks to probably six weeks,” she said....

Three to six more weeks of Financial Winter, eh?

She throws in some 'comfort language':

“It is absolutely our goal to return to as normal a business life as possible, as quickly as possible and move into a place where we are being surgical in the way we are responding to this,” said Palm. “We can’t live like this until there is a vaccine, that’s just not tenable, we just can’t.
Here's the key language, because the November election is at play:

...A second wave of COVID-19, or a fall wave, is expected based on the experience of previous outbreaks, according to Palm. 

“I think everybody assumes that this virus will perform similarly and that you will see another wave in the fall into the winter,” she said. ...
Just like with Barrett's deliberate subversion of Milwaukee's vote (closing 175 voting locations), the Palm/Evers/Gau group will torture Wisconsin citizens with HAIR ON FIRE China-LungAIDS projections until we learn to vote Democrat.

Or something else happens.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like she is paving the way for ballot harvesting in November for her PArty.
