Saturday, March 21, 2020

What Do the Numbers Actually MEAN??

NB:  The linked essay has been "withdrawn" from Medium, the original source.

A clear-eyed look at the HAIR ON FIRE manipulation of the numbers.  Sophisticated Bloggeurs and Anthony Fauci, pay attention.  (Excerpts; the entire essay is here.N.B.:  Much of this essay is based on WHO research and some people suspect that WHO is on the payroll of Red China.


....The United States is tracking with other European nations at doubling every three days or so. As we measure and test more Americans, this will continue to grow. Our time-lapse growth is lower than China, but not as good as South Korea, Japan, Singapore, or Taiwan. All are considered models of how to beat COVID-19. The United States is performing average, not great, compared to the other modern countries by this metric.

Still, there is a massive blindspot with this type of graph. None of these charts are weighted on a per-capita basis....

...Rank ordering based on the total number of cases shows that the US on a per-capita basis is significantly lower than the top six nations by case volume. On a 1 million citizen per-capita basis, the US moves to above mid-pack of all countries and rising...

[As of 3/20, the USA's total cases/1 million is 59.  Italy is 778, S. Korea is 172.  Chart at the link above]

Daily growth rates declined over time across all countries regardless of particular policy solutions, such as shutting the borders or social distancing.
Oh.  You mean that California may remain a State, instead of becoming a territory again, as its Governor thinks??  Damn.

...Bell curves is the dominant trait of outbreaks. A virus doesn’t grow linearly forever. It accelerates, plateaus, and then declines. Whether it is environmental or our own efforts, viruses accelerate and quickly decline. This fact of nature is represented in Farr’s law. CDC’s of “bend the curve” or “flatten the curve” reflects this natural reality....
The Bell curve in Italy is already on the downward slope as it is in China and S. Korea.  And there's this, which will force me to change my position (Mark Belling, pay attention!!)

EARLY countermeasures are important!!
Is it really as aggressive as the MSM wants it to be??

...The results of [WHO] research show that COVID-19 doesn’t spread as easily as we first thought or the media had us believe...

...According to their report if you come in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 you have a 1–5% chance of catching it as well. The variability is large because the infection is based on the type of contact and how long.The majority of viral infections come from prolonged exposures in confined spaces with other infected individuals. Person-to-person and surface contact is by far the most common cause....
Even in prolonged exposure-confined spaces contacts, the infection rate is not large.  Recall the VirusPrincess cruise ship:  only 20% of the passengers tested positive.

"Community Spread"?  Not likely--but if it DOES happen, "social distancing" isn't worth crap.

...True community spread involves transmission where people get infected in public spaces and there is no way to trace back the source of infection. WHO believes that is not what the Chinese data shows. If community spread was super common, it wouldn’t be possible to reduce the new cases through “social distancing”....
How about that "IT LIVES IN THE AIR FOREVER!!!" story?

...The media was put into a frenzy when the above authors released their study on COVID-19’s ability to survive in the air. The study did find the virus could survive in the air for a couple of hours; however, this study was designed as academic exercise rather than a real-world test. This study put COVID-19 into a spray bottle to “mist” it into the air. I don’t know anyone who coughs in mist form and it is unclear if the viral load was large enough to infect another individual...
OK, then, how about "IT LIVES FOREVER ON SURFACES!!!"??

...COVID-19’s ability to live for a long period of time is limited on most surfaces and it is quite easy to kill with typical household cleaners, just like the normal flu.
  • COVID-19 be detected on copper after 4 hours and 24 hours on cardboard.
  • COVID-19 survived best on plastic and stainless steel, remaining viable for up to 72 hours
  • COVID-19 is very vulnerable to UV light and heat.
Presence doesn’t mean infectious. The viral concentration falls significantly over time. The virus showed a half-life of about 0.8 hours on copper, 3.46 hours on cardboard, 5.6 hours on steel and 6.8 hours on plastic.

According to Dylan Morris, one of the authors, “We do not know how much virus is actually needed to infect a human being with high probability, nor how easily the virus is transferred from the cardboard to one’s hand when touching a package”...

...On true asymptomatic spread, the data is still unclear but increasingly unlikely. Two studies point to a low infection rate from pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. One study said 10% of infections come from people who don’t show symptoms, yet. Another WHO study reported 1.2% of confirmed cases were truly asymptomatic. Several studies confirming asymptotic spread have ended up disproven. It is important to note there is a difference between “never showing symptoms” and “pre-symptomatic” and the media is promoting an unproven narrative. Almost all people end up in the latter camp within five days, almost never the former....
 You've not read much about airline people coming down with this, have you?  Hmmmmm.


You have a 99% chance of survival in the US, unless you're part of the OLD FOLKS or pre-existing conditions group.

What NOT to do:

...The data shows that the overwhelming majority of the working population will not be personally impacted, both individually or their children. This is an unnecessary burden that is distracting resources and energy away from those who need it the most. By preventing Americans from being productive and specializing at what they do best (their vocation), we are pulling resources towards unproductive tasks and damaging the economy. We will need money for this fight....
But but but but Dr. Fauci is an EXPERT!!!!

...In CDC’s worst-case scenario, CDC expects more than 150–200 million infections within the US. This estimate is hundreds of times bigger than China’s infection rate (30% of our population compared to 0.006% in China). Does that really sound plausible to you? China has a sub-par healthcare system, attempted to suppress the news about COVID-19 early on, a lack of transparency, an authoritarian government, and millions of Chinese traveling for the Lunar Festival at the height of the outbreak. In the US, we have a significant lead time, several therapies proving successful, transparency, a top tier healthcare system, a democratic government, and media providing ample accountability....
One more thing--which is EXACTLY what I expect, too:

...When this is all over, look for massive confirmation bias and pyrrhic celebration by elites. There will be vain cheering in the halls of power as Main Street sits in pieces. Expect no apology, that would be political suicide. Rather, expect to be given a Jedi mind trick of “I’m the government and I helped.”...

Yes, Donald Trump will be leading that parade, right, wrong, or otherwise.  Yes, he's full of it.  But then, so are all the rest of the jackwads, dipsos, get-rich-quick "servants" and blown-hair "news" types.

Still, we persist.

1 comment:

  1. Saint Revolution3/22/2020 7:55 AM

    BORN IN NORTH CAROLINA, SOLD TO WUHAN LAB, OPTIMIZED FOR PANDEMIC SPREAD. Emerging evidence strongly suggests a research collaboration between a North Carolina scientist and two Wuhan Chinese microbiologists is the smoking gun in the creation and release of the COVID-19 superbug. A coronavirus synthesized in two laboratories on opposite sides of the world into a chimera viral monstrosity, optimized for infectious spread, and with a lethality 20 times that of the common influenza (the flu).

    JANUARY 13, 2020

    Emerging evidence strongly suggests a research collaboration between a North Carolina scientist and two Wuhan, Chinese microbiologists is the smoking gun in the creation and release of the COVID-19 superbug. A coronavirus synthesized in two laboratories on opposite sides of the world into a chimera viral monstrosity, optimized for infectious spread and with a lethality 20 times that of the common influenza.

