Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Deep State and Obama's Crowd vs. Phil Haney

In a medium-length essay, Corey's Digs goes over what Phil Haney had discovered, and she names names, from the "Arizona Mafia"--which included Janet Napolitano--through the Obama-Muslim connections.

Oh yes, there were connections between Hezbollah, the Mexican drug kingpins, the Mexican Government, and John McCain (!), and none of them are pretty.

As to Phil Haney?  Well, the Obama people and the State Department (not to mention the perjurer-in-charge of National Intel James Clapper) wanted him out, period, and they wanted the records he accumulated purged.  They got their way; the first "purge" deleted 800+ names.

...Following what Haney described as the “first great purge,” of records in November of 2009, Haney explained, “That wasn’t even enough.  The next step that they took was they went after the individuals who put that information in the system in the first place, and they knocked us off one by one…I was among the first…but I also, by God’s grace, was the one that survived the longest.  I saw it all.” 

During the remaining years of his service for the DHS, Philip Haney was subjected to nine separate investigations designed to intimidate, silence, and ultimately remove him from his position.  In one instance, Philip Haney was falsely accused of leaking information regarding a Saudi person of interest who was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing, which led to the convening of a grand jury investigation against him.  Haney was found innocent.  Meanwhile, lawmakers grilled Janet Napolitano for the intelligence failures in sharing information between agencies that led to the Boston Bombing attack, to which Napolitano admitted that the 2012 return of the Boston bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, to the United States, was not flagged, stating, “The system pinged when he was leaving the United States. By the time he returned all investigations had been closed.”  Despite their best efforts to discredit him, Philip Haney persevered through it all, and was exonerated in each of the investigations.

In the final year of his service for the DHS, amidst the trials of yet another investigation, Philip Haney was stripped of his gun and isolated from his colleagues in the department.  Despite the level of disrespect he received from this department from which he served honorably for so many years, Haney did not view this time in solitude as a loss. Instead, he used the period as a sabbatical.  In the remainder of his stint with the department, Haney gathered, organized and archived notes and documents that he had meticulously kept over the years. ...

Still wondering why Haney was shot dead?  Still wondering why the Deep State and the Obama people want Trump out of office?

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