Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Chamber of Commerce: Capitalist Pigs

There are those who would have you believe that all Capitalists are Pigs.

The US Chamber of Commerce is their proof.  And they really don't need more.

White House plans to expand “Buy America” mandates to the medical equipment and pharmaceutical sectors could worsen shortages of urgently needed medicines and delay discovery of a vaccine for the new coronavirus, over 80 business groups warned.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and dozens of other business and trade groups urged U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow and other top U.S. officials to drop plans for the order, arguing it would also damage U.S. trading relationship for years to come....  Reuters quoted at Treehouse
It is necessary to know that not ALL businessmen in the US support this treasonous claptrap.

Mr. Donahue and his Board may take all the Chinese pharmaceuticals they want, including the fentanyl that is Red China's specialty.  To make it easier for them, the President should have them flown over to Beijing.  One-way.  

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