Saturday, March 28, 2020

Life vs. Liberty. How Trump Figures In

There are some "conservatives" who won't like this excerpt because they sincerely believe that "liberty" is the most important thing in human life.  They bought that line from a Left which knows exactly how to sell poop disguised as ice-cream. 

Further, in a completely unforeseen plot twist, Donald Trump's pro-life and pro-religion actions and statements have placed him in the X-ring for Leftists who really understand the danger he represents.

...when Bellow published his award-winning novel in 1970 cultural and moral norms were still largely intact in the United States (though waning in Europe). But moral relativism and nihilism had always been a uniquely European problem that had yet to invade the shores of the United States.

Only three years after the publication of Bellow’s novel, the United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that the killing of human life was permitted by the U.S. Constitution and this was universally imposed over all the individual states. Roe v. Wade was the erection of the Temple of Baal in the heart of the American nation which, since then, has become the most sacred institution in the United States.

If banality was the disguise of a powerful will to abolish moral conscience and the sacredness of life, then liberty has been the even more powerful disguise to achieve this project since 1973. Morally empty Christians, Jews, and Muslims who hide behind the idol of liberty will see their moral conscience, and soul, utterly eviscerated by this all-consuming poison that destroys what the best and purest humans from the beginning of time have always known, and that which all three of the Abrahamic religions maintain as a central tenet of their faith. Neither liberty nor choice is the highest good in life....

That's why St John Paul II reminded us that 'Liberty is the freedom to do what is right.'  Which is to say that Liberty is NOT the freedom to do whatever you damn well please (so long as no one else is hurt).

The amoral and banal Left must also eradicate conscience.  Thus....

...privatization has surely become the banality associated with the abolition of moral conscience. How often do we hear that one’s private beliefs are exactly that, private — and therefore the public matter trumps private concerns? The privatization of moral conscience has become the partner in crime alongside liberty in the conspiracy against moral clarity and the sacredness of life....

Therefore, in the Public Square you may NOT have a conscience.  It is not coincidence that the Left has consistently (and obnoxiously) campaigned to remove God from 'public squares,' right down to the absurd case wherein they claimed "God" was hurting them when they attended a public high-school graduation in a non-denominational church in Brookfield, WI.  You can look that up.

Bottom line:

 ...It is not so much the case, despite their hyperbolic language, that the left sees Roe v. Wade at risk of being overturned. What they fear is that their project of abolishing moral conscience from public life is threatened; abortion is simply the most pernicious false sacrament to which they latch their morally vacuous ideology. If the Supreme Court chips away at certain advances made since Roe v. Wade, then the veil is torn asunder and the nation as a whole will see the great diabolical evil that has enslaved it for nearly half a century....
The fear is justified, as large sectors of the US' population do not and WILL not accept the abolition of moral conscience.  With Trump (unexpectedly) joining the fray, we are certainly approaching the final battle here.

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