Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Do-Nothing Evers Playing Politics While People Die

Tokin'Tony Evers, unable to actually lead, resorts to playing politics, hoping that Wisconsin citizens are dumb enough to swallow his crap.  People are dying while Tony fiddles, diddles, and kvetches about "the Republicans."

The CoViD19 became an issue around January 31.  What did Tokin'Tony do then?  Nada.  Did Tokin'Tony's not-yet-confirmed "health" secretary Andrea Palm have any thoughts on the matter?  None that we know of.  She was drawing up marketing plans for some (D) election, I guess.

Tokin'Tony waited around until mid-March--SIX WEEKS--to declare an emergency.  Did Tokin'Tony use his emergency powers to scramble for ventilators and PPE?

Hell, no.  He used them to force closings of churches and golf-courses.

Finally, Maggie Gau told Tony to demand SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to spend, knowing that his demand was ludicrous but could be used to rip the Pubbies when they told him to go fly a kite.

...Evers gave the Republican legislative leaders a bill on March 21 that would spend at least $706 million to help state agencies respond to the outbreak and is drafting a second bill related to economic recovery and less-urgent health care needs.

So far the lawmakers have not told Evers' team which measures they support or provided an alternative proposal, according to the governor's office.   ...

And so Tokin'Tony went on the teevee to cry about having a hard time obtaining ventilators and PPE for hospitals.  This despite the fact that the FedGov will be sending Wisconsin a check for $1.9 BILLION or so......

What a tool he really is.

UPDATE:  Here, the little gamma-bitch complains about Trump's response.  It's hard for Tony to watch what a real leader does.    As to his "leadership," O'Donnell already assessed it.  Hint:  none could be found.

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