Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Did Evers Use "CoVid Act Now" Numbers?

Well, the pieces are beginning to fall into place.  A few days ago, I saw a story on this damned virus which pointed to "an Imperial College of London study."  That study recommended a heavy-handed early intervention to effect 'flattening the curve.'

The study was picked up by "CoVid Act Now" a bunch which is tight with Democrats--and SURPRISE!!  Democrats are using it to justify heavy-handed early interventions.  The study has come under severe criticism from other researchers and has predicted 2.2 MILLION deaths in the USA.  Oddly enough, the author of the study will NOT reveal his formulas.  Huh!

The "CoVid Act Now" website has made predictions of Doom And Gloom which have been wildly inaccurate, by the way.  But no matter.  I suspected that Tony (or whoever) used that study and said so on another blog run by a pleasant but mis-informed RINO.  (He lives in Madistan, so he gets a lot of slack.)

Since Tony Evers has not revealed the source of his stats, and his "health commissioner" (whatever) has made rather wild predictions about DEATH!!  DEATH!!! unless you interact with damn near nobody over the next 30 days.....yah, that sounds like CoVid Act Now.


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