Friday, March 13, 2020

Coming to a Commune Near You!

Only half tongue-in-cheek.........

The White House has announced that magnanimous big tech firm Google has ‘voluntarily’ joined the federal government within the national state of emergency to assist comrade citizens with the effort to voluntarily ‘test’ all Americans for the coronavirus....Google is undertaking this effort as a ‘free service’ to the American public. Everything is free, including the test.

Soon you will be able to use your hand-held transponder to sign-up, register for testing, and find your local neighborhood testing (dna collection) site....Imagine the valuable database that will be assembled.  Obviously Google is doing this out of the kindness of their heart; and spending the multi-millions needed due to their inherent disposition of protecting the American public.  We can imagine the process will be deployed with an App allowing you to flow seamlessly throughout registration and collection.  All of the best comrade citizens will participate; don’t miss out....
If your name is "Winston," you'll be familiar with this.

1 comment:

  1. Saint Revolution3/14/2020 6:02 PM

    Yah, Goofle, started NOT by two "geniuses" from StanFord but actually by the CIA via their Angel funder (with yer tax dollars) In-Q-Tel.

    Goofle, a front for every US intelligence gathering criminal department in SewerTown, DC to collect useable evidence against you and me and store it all in Bluffdale UT, again paid for with yer tax dollars.

    Ain't it grand, extort yer money via unratified theft called "taxes" and then use yer money to subsidize yer demise.

    Goofle, whose "founder" 's wife was a front stooge for starting the first "voluntary" DNA collection under the guise of "exploring yer genealogy", such DNA results just happening to pop up also at yer local criminal cop shop ... with no warrant, of course.

    Yah, that Goofle. Yah, I'd trust that Goofle to "help" me test for a "pandemic" that is probably orchestrated.


    Yah, Goofle.
