Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Abp Listecki's Strange Statement

As you might imagine, the Archbishop of Milwaukee was very quick to issue a statement on the "Catholics for Trump" initiative scheduled for Milwaukee next week.

Abp. Listecki went through all the usual stuff......'the Church is not political, and theological reasons prohibit political activity.........' etc., which was fine.

But then it got a little strange.

Listecki said the church "seeks to uphold and protect justice, equality, human rights, and care for God’s creation through ethical and moral decision-making."...
Typically, a Church document's list begins with the most important item, then the second-most-important, (etc.)  Here, there is no explicit mention of 'protecting innocent life'; instead, the far more general term "human rights" is employed--third on the list.

Did the Archbishop miss the November meeting of USCC in which it was determined that the abortion question would be "pre-eminent"?

Or doesn't he really care?

1 comment:

  1. On James Martin's Twitter feed, they are praising Listecki's statement to the skies. In between declarations that Republicans want to gas Jews, etc.

    The Ape Church is crumbling. The Catholic Church will emerge.
