Sunday, February 16, 2020

Downsides to Amazon Exhortation? Of Course!!

Oh, yes, there are 'downsides' to the Amazon document issued by Pp. Francis. 

And--as you'll see--Pp. Francis may have read Trump's book on negotiating. 

David Martin comments:

...Specifically, the pope in his exhortation:
  • Advocates an "inculturated liturgy" that incorporates Amazonian dance and rituals, and introduces the idea of establishing an Amazonian liturgical rite.
  • Recommends granting lay people formal authority over Amazonian parishes, and mentions their ability to "celebrate certain sacraments" (excluding the Eucharist and Confession).
  • Says women should be given formal positions in the faith community as a result of a "commission from the bishop."
  • Endorses the Amoris Laetitia approach of allowing Communion to those living in adultery, saying there is no "room … for a [traditional] discipline that excludes and turns people away."
  • Defends idol worship as witnessed with the veneration of Pachamama at the Synod, saying that it is not superstition.
Concerning idols, Francis says that we “should esteem the indigenous mysticism that sees the interconnection and interdependence of the whole of creation, the mysticism of gratuitousness that loves life as a gift,” as well as the “sacred wonder before nature.” ...
The language used is typically Francis-esque:  vague, thus open to "interpretation".   By the way, as to lay people's ability to 'celebrate certain sacraments,' why is that plural?  Aside from Baptism, there is no Sacrament which does NOT require a priest, deacon, or Bishop.  

Trump-ian?  You be the judge.

...While the exhortation doesn't explicitly support the idea of ordaining married men to the priesthood as some had anticipated, it appears that this was never a key part of the plan to begin with. The ploy was to initially scare conservatives with this proposal with the plan of easing up on it at the last minute in order to pacify the faithful and better gain their confidence in Francis' environmental program....
Ah, yes, the "environmental program."  How being a Good Steward includes eliminating CO2 emissions is beyond me--and beyond any reputable forestry scientist.  And having Jeffrey Sachs lecturing on matters of population........well.........
Mr. Martin fears that Actual Catholics will be seduced by Francis' 3-card monte negotiations.  Not likely, friend.

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