Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Mean Girl "Hotpants" Cries for the Camera

Poor, poor, little Lisa HotPants.

...Comey, who put himself above the law and tried to destroy Trump dares complain that Trump is angry with him.
As does former FBI lawyer Lisa Page who raised her victimhood status above Comey’s because she is a woman, you see.
“Yes. 1000 times this. Plus one big difference: I am not just an FBI target of the President, but a female one. So his followers understand that I’m therefore different, and “deserving” of a special kind of hatred, a vile reduction of my whole existence into body parts and sex acts. It’s incredibly degrading and dehumanizing, but I suppose that’s the point, isn’t it.”...

Typical mean-girl crapola.  Being on the other side of the fence, she now cries and wails.  Soon, a guest appearance with Morning Joe.....if Mika trusts Joe, that is.....


  1. Poor baby. Whoring comes with consequences. Political warfare comes with casualties. The bitch has been on the wrong side of everything.

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