Friday, October 25, 2019

Walls Are Closing In....

You may recall that phrase about "walls."  How about "Bombshell!!"

Well, yah.

The Department of Justice’s sweeping review into the origins of its Trump-Russia probe has evolved into a criminal investigation, according to the New York Times.

The launch of a criminal probe allows U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor tapped by Attorney General William Barr to lead the review, to subpoena witnesses for testimony and documents. The move also authorizes Durham to impanel a grand jury and file charges....
You can expect even more "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" from Schiff, Pelosi, as they attempt to bury this little item.


  1. Barr runs a much tighter clandestine operation than even the professional spooks do.

    Swamp draining is a long process, but I'm really curious about the total information vacuum surrounding Rod Rosenstein's fond farewell from DoJ. He was as big a player as they come and held a position that afforded him the ability to hoover up information on every spygate rat like nobody else. He decided what Mueller did and didn't get to pursue as Mueller's periodic reports crossed his desk. He decided what of Mueller's information was worthy of referral for further pursuit by others and what wasn't. That he retired with praise and congratulations by Trump himself is worthy of at least a side-eyed squint. Rosenstein hasn't said squat and everybody seems to have forgotten his existence. Curious, no?

  2. Curious as in "flipped."
