Friday, October 25, 2019

Impeach "Judge" Contreras

As long as impeachment is in the air....

Let's move to impeach some asshole who calls himself  "judge".  He completely screwed Gen. Flynn, in collusion with his drinking pal Strzok (and maybe Lisa Hotpants FEEB).

....Note page 3: On 12/01/17, Judge Contreras -- a friend of Peter Strzok's, something never revealed to Flynn or his lawyers -- signed Flynn's plea deal.

On the very next day, 12/02/07, news broke of Strzok-Page texts. 

It's almost as the release of the texts was delayed until Flynn could be pressured to sign a deal.
No, it's not almost like that. That's what fucking happened.

And then on 12/07/17 -- six days after he signed the plea deal -- Judge Contreras finally recused himself from the matter when the Strzok-Page texts themselves revealed that Strzok and Contreras were friends!...

Failing impeachment, let's just use the old rope-tree-some assembly required trick.

1 comment:

  1. Sure seems to be a strong scent of Arkancide coming in from the east...
