Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pp. Francis' Current Moral Authority: "Whatever."

Here's a snapshot of the "moral authority" wielded by Pp. Francis in Italy.

...In January 2017, in response to a question about populism, Francis told Spain's El Pais that before World War II, there was "a people who were immersed in a crisis, who were searching for their identity until this charismatic leader came and promised to give their identity back, and he gave them a distorted identity, and we all know what happened."

The same year, he said that "nationalist agendas risk thwarting the courageous dreams of the founders of Europe."

But if he's now trying to appeal to Salvini, his calls may not find a receptive audience. Salvini has openly criticised the pope, tweeting in 2016: "The pope says migrants are not a danger. Whatever!"

The Pope, like a lot of other confused Christians, commits a category error by confusing private charity with public "good works."  The latter is done by taking tax money (point of a gun, remember?) and spending it on bureaucrats and a few "poor" people.  The former uses money volunteered by individuals--usually with very little bureaucracy--directly to people in need.

(And yes, there is also a difference between Gummint-determined "poor" people and people who are actually in need.  A BIG difference.)

Anyhow, Pp. Francis has managed to bring the Church's moral authority to near-zero in Italy, and he's working damned hard to demolish it in other parts of the world.  He's also doing his best to incinerate the Church's doctrinal authority and teachings.

Didn't take long, did it?


  1. When the Pope speaks in the Name of and with the authority of God, nations and demons tremble.

    When the antipope speaks in his own name, sorry, no one cares what your opinion is.

    “Whatever” - is a perfect epithet for Bergoglio, the “who am I to judge” fellow.

  2. Please, God, we have suffered enough. Bring a swift end to this horrible Pontificate.

  3. ... Francis told Spain's El Pais that before World War II, there was "a people who were immersed in a crisis, who were searching for their identity until this charismatic leader came and promised to give their identity back, and he gave them a distorted identity, and we all know what happened."

    What's his beef with Franklin Delano Roosevelt ?

  4. Better question, ABS: why was Francis mouthing the SNL/Chevy Chase derision of General Franco?
