Monday, June 17, 2019

Of All People, Steve Bannon!

Bannon is not exactly a 'model' Catholic boy.  IIRC he's a serial monogamist and not a regular Mass-attender.  (I'd be happy to be corrected.)  But what he IS is a pretty damned good political analyst.  He understood and capitalized on Codevilla's revolutionary 2010 essay on "the ruling class" to help bring Trump to victory, which has lit a fire around the world, including in England, Italy, India, Hungary, and Poland.

So when he addresses politics, people should listen--even if he's addressing the politics of the Church's current cross, Francis I.

...he is a Latin American Jesuit inculcated in liberation theology. Liberation theology is nothing more than cultural Marxism with a thin veneer of the Gospel of Matthew on top of it, right? It’s Jesus as social justice warrior. The cultural Marxism of the liberation theology movement and the cultural Marxism of the Greens is the linkage of the Pope’s political movement. It’s quite natural for him. He’s both a Peronist and a Jesuit at the same time....

OK. So what? either believe in the Westphalian nation-state and the underpinnings of a free citizenry, which is what the sovereignty movement is, or you believe the Church politically came to a resolution of this, from the Reformation, and the Enlightenment, and all that. That is a global organization religiously but not politically. What he has done is reverse this now. He’s thrown in. He’s a globalist. He’s a political globalist. He speaks with all the nomenclature of the globalists. He supports all the policies of the globalists....

Wouldn't it be nice if Francis 'spoke with all the nomenclature' of Roman Catholicism instead?

Just sayin'...

1 comment:

  1. It would have been great but he's not Catholic, he's a revolutionary and a Marxist. He says what he believes and whatever pap it is is not Catholic.
    Now he's using the literal pagans and savages in the Amazon, the people of witch doctors and polygamy, sorcery and animism, to further fracture Catholicism. He uses it to poke faithful Catholics in the eye, loving every minute of it.
    The man is a plague, may God rid us of him soon.
