Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Morricone Makes My Day!!

This fellow Morricone wrote the scores for many of Clint Eastwood's spaghetti westerns, including The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Fistful of Dollars.....

....But among Catholics, he is perhaps most famous for his soundtrack to the 1986 movie The Mission about Spanish Jesuit missionaries. The score became at one time the world’s bestselling movie soundtrack, selling over 3 million copies. 

In December, Morricone’s “Fourth Concert for organ, trumpets and orchestra” was performed, which is said to have “a strong spirituality.” ...

OK, then.  But it gets a lot better!

....On liturgical music, Morricone said he was strongly opposed to having “guitars and popular songs.”

“I don’t like it at all,” he said. “Gregorian Chant is a vital and important tradition of the Church and to waste this by having guys mix religious words with profane, Western songs is hugely grave, hugely grave.”...
The music chosen to honor Morricone at his award ceremony is the St John Passion of JSBach.  The piece is an extraordinary realization of the narrative of chapters 18 and 19 of the Gospel of St John.  We made our children listen to it every Good Friday, and it worked on most of them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this article! My daughter will be so pleased to see it, since she is the one who taught me about the wonderful music tradition in the Church. In addition, Gregorian Chant is very powerful and the evil one hates it. I read somewhere that it is recommended to play it to help dispel evil spirits from a home. I know that my sister, who, sadly, has lost her Catholic faith and no longer goes to church, tells me that she feels soothed by listening to Gregorian Chant in her home. I pray that she comes back to the Catholic Church, very soon.
    God bless you and your work.
