Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Dropping the Hammer on Abp Listecki

The Milwaukee CUF chapter has had enough of the pussyfoot-shuffle of Abp. Jerome Listecki, who is also an officer of the US Army.  (Would you follow him into a real war?)  So they sent him a no-nonsense letter.

A few excerpts:

...due to your actions and inactions, the “gaying of the Milwaukee Archdiocese” is gaining increasing national attention and — via Milwaukee Archdiocesan priests Fr. Bryan Massingale and Fr. Gregory Greiten — contributing generously to the homosexual subculture throughout the Church that is "wreaking great devastation in the vineyard of the Lord" as the late Bishop Robert Morlino and others have declared....

Fr. Greiten has declared himself to be 'a homosexual priest', rather than 'a priest.'  He was led to this foolish declaration by the Gay Mafia (New Ways Ministry Branch) and is now a national "star" (or disgrace...)

Church Militant picked up on all this, of course.

...the Church Militant article addresses “Gay and Straight In Christ” (GASIC). We alerted you to GASIC years ago. You assured us that after talking to them, you were confident they were adhering to Catholic teaching. This is odd because then and now, GASIC seeks to — in their own words — “push the envelope," promoting spiritually poisonous lies...
It will NEVER be said that +Listecki is a vigorous and energetic house-cleaning kinda guy.  He's more like +Wm. Cousins, the Archbishop here preceding the Disgraced Rembert.  Cousins' idea of a work day was 10AM-2PM with a couple hours for lunch and never, ever, ask a lot of questions about the Gay Gang running both the Major and the Minor seminaries here.....

...Last November, you awarded the Archdiocese’s Vatican II Service to the Priesthood Award to homosexual advocate Fr. Mike Hammer who openly promotes the idea that the Church is wrong with regard to its teaching regarding homosexual activity and needs to change.

In October, you refused to use your proper episcopal authority (see pages 11 & 12) to stop Milwaukee Archdiocesan priest Fr. Bryan Massingale from conducting retreats for “gay priests, brothers and deacons” taking place at Siena Retreat Center in Racine....
And then they hit him with Marquette University which cannot even claim to be "in the Catholic tradition" without lying like Hell.

...The silence of bishops regarding the homosexual subculture metastasizing throughout the Church enabled McCarrick — and so many others — to become the monsters they are. Until this grim reality is addressed directly, visibly and vigorously, the crisis will worsen. Your Excellency, you have the opportunity — and the duty — to begin this process here and now. Call out and denounce the homosexual subculture that has long been spiritually and financially impoverishing our Archdiocese. Publicly putting an end to GASIC and explaining your reasons for doing so would be an excellent place to start....
Someone should start a pool on that event happening.  Vegas says better-than-even nothing will come of it.

HOWEVER--be it noted!!!  The Archbishop DID remove +Weakland's and +Cousins' names from various prominent places AFTER he received this letter.


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