Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Zounds! Macron Doesn't Like Us!

As usual, Bloomberg is clutching pearls and hits the fainting couch like a sack of age-wrinkled potatoes.

...A White House contact had warned Macron that Donald Trump was about to announce the pullout of U.S. troops from Syria.

Such a decision would be a body-blow to U.S. allies in the European Union. It risked releasing hundreds of Islamic State veterans and giving Russia’s Vladimir Putin influence over the flow of refugees which has fueled a populist backlash in the EU.  For Macron, it heightened his concerns that the U.S. might back away from another, more sacred commitment: the NATO defense alliance.

As Macron prepared for a call with the White House that evening, his view on Syria was informed by a broader realization after 18 months of frustrating efforts to woo Trump: EU leaders can no longer rely on the U.S. to help underpin European security....

Well, that's what the Globaloney-Bloomberg-Bushmen-NeverTrump bunch want you to think, anyway.

Reality check:  the "flow of refugees" is entirely the fault of Merkel, May, and Macron.  Orange Man Bad has nothing to do with it, and Putin's "control" is marginal at best.  Merkel, May, and Macron want open borders, they've retained open borders, and they are in big trouble with the actual citizens of their countries.

As to the US 'helping to underpin European security,' that's just bullshit.  However, it would be very nice if those leaky jackwads coughed up the cash they "promised" towards joint defense, eh?

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