Saturday, February 09, 2019

Why "Green Pixie Dust" Is Wrong

Earlier, we pointed out some deficiencies of the "Green Revolutionary" proposal.

Perhaps the Socialists should have consulted this survey before running off their vapid, juvenile, screed.

...The American dream is more about freedom and family than money or homeownership. Significantly more people believe having the freedom to live their lives as they choose and having fulfilling family lives are essential to the American dream than think homeownership, wealth, and having a better quality of life than one’s parents are essential. This is true across demographic groups. About eight in 10 Americans believe they are living the dream or are on their way to achieving it....
That "family" part happens to be nature's law, recognized by the Catholic Church in all its official social teachings and it is the part which the Socialists MOST want to defeat--followed closely by the Church (and any of her daughters). 

1 comment:

  1. Dont be drinking hot coffee when you go to this link...
