Saturday, February 16, 2019

Trump: THE Pro-Life President

There has not been a President who is so pro-life as Donald Trump in the last 50 years.  We all know that the Bushes were fake pro-lifers; the Democrats?  well.....  And there are very few REAL pro-life (R) Senators and Congressmen.


The Country-Club Establishment--as Rush Limbaugh has been saying for years--is firmly pro-abortion.  That was the position of the "enlightened" Republicans beginning in the early 1900's, and it has not changed one whit.  And for you who argue that the Bushes would not countenance infanticide, I remind you that a dead baby remains a dead baby. 

So it takes a somewhat-haphazard Presbyterian church member with a checkered sexual history to stand up for the babies.

And he does!

The night before last week’s National Prayer Breakfast, President Donald Trump was hosting religious leaders and lawmakers for dinner at the White House when he spotted Democratic Senator Chris Coons — and pounced.

Trump confronted the Delaware lawmaker — who attended the event as the Prayer Breakfast’s official Democratic co-chair — over the issue of abortion, creating a tense scene in the White House’s Blue Room, according to three sources familiar with the exchange.

Trump leaned in close to Coons, who calls himself “a practicing Christian and a devout Presbyterian,” and laced into the Democratic senator over controversial moves to change statewide policies on abortion that have roiled New York and Virginia politics in recent weeks. “He was in his face about it,” said one person familiar with the exchange. The person described Trump as extremely “worked up.”

“He saw a Democrat in the room, a Democrat who’s known to be a person of faith, and he was like, ‘Why aren't you speaking out about this?’” the source added.

Another source who was in the room confirmed the account, describing the moment as both “awkward” and attention-grabbing. Rarely has Trump been so vocal about abortion when the masses aren’t watching, this person said...
. Remnant quoting MSNBC
Ann Coulter, soon to be a rabid cat-lady, doesn't like his border deal.  Charlie Sykes doesn't like anything about him.  The WarMonger Brothers, Kristol and Boot, want the US Army in Iran.  None of them understand priorities. 

Donald Trump DOES understand priorities.

To life!!  La'chayim!!  CHOOSE LIFE!!


1 comment:

  1. I have to say that while I didn't vote for him in '16, I will in '20. I still don't like the man, but I like much of what he's done. That, and the unhinged HATE from the Left has driven me to decide to vote for him.
