Saturday, February 23, 2019

Should We Pity Charlie Sykes?

Surber has an observation about the NeverTrump Rump Republicans.

...They have become the Underpants Gnomes of politics. South Park depicted these gnomes as people with no clue. Their business plan was:
  1. Steal underpants.
  2. ???
  3. Profits!
Never Trump now has a bunch of used underpants. They have no game plan. They just have their childish fantasy of regaining power by not adjusting to the changes President Trump has wrought.
Mackenzie raised many questions, "Why does opposing Trump mean that one must be nasty to Trump’s more respected and erudite defenders? What purpose is there, for example, in trying to destroy Victor Davis Hansen? When Trump gets out of office (and it will happen, if not by the glorious swan dive of impeachment or by rotting away his dotage in prison as the Never Trump wing hope), how will attempting to destroy someone personally influence the post-Trump party?

"What place will the most vociferous anti-Trumpers have once they’ve alienated everyone with whom they disagree?"...

Kristol and Boot could always lead an army into the Forever War that they desire, I suppose.  Wonder if they know which end of the rifle has a pointy-thing that goes up....

Charlie Sykes appears to have lost his way somewhere in the 12-Step (liberal) Recovery program he was on for a few years in radio.  I suppose we could pray for him.

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