Thursday, February 14, 2019

Nancy "Big Talker" Warns Gun Owners....

The more-than-ripe old bat from California emits a drooled warning from between her implanted teeth.

Chuck Schumer (D-NY) fiercely attacked President Trump on Thursday after Senator McConnell said Trump will declare a national emergency to secure border wall funding....

Here's the fun part:

...Pelosi then took her rhetoric to the next level and attacked the 2nd Amendment. Pelosi warned Republicans that the next president could declare a national emergency on guns,...
 Heh.  While I'm not as wrinkled and fetid as Nancy "Big Talk", by 2024 or so I'll be very friendly with the local funeral director.  Strictly precautionary, of course.

But if some Democrat President goes for national confiscation, I won't have much to lose if there's a hail of bullets.


 The Gummint 'confiscators,' however, may have young families.



  1. That would lead to a Second American Revolution, and I would be delighted to enlist!I

    Comrad Pelosi is NUTS!

  2. Pelosi ain't wrong to fear a populace with the right to defend itself from an unresponsive government.
