Friday, February 22, 2019

McCarrick a Communist Plant. Surprised?

Mike Voris has pulled back the curtain on one of the most important scoops of the 21st Century.

Mr. McCarrick (formerly "Cardinal") was a Communist plant in the US Church.

And he got recruited and took his initial training at St. Gall, Switzerland.  So clearly, McCarrick was NOT the only Communist at the upper levels of the Church, since St. Gall was a meeting-spot for a number of other European and American bishops, who bragged about the affiliation.

The St. Gall bunch includes Kasper of Germany, Daneels of Belgium, and Martini--a Jesuit--of Milan.  Noteworthy:  Martini was well-known as a patron of Rembert Weakland, the disgraced ex-Archbishop of Milwaukee.

NO sentient Catholic should be surprised by this.


  1. I saw this and found it very interesting. Years ago I read that little booklet the Alte Vendita.

  2. Maybe this is the explanation as all look for: it really is a commie plot!

  3. Seeking some credible evidence, I was smashed away by these hard facts ...

  4. Wow you guys rival q Anon for your conspiracy mythology
