Monday, February 04, 2019

"Listen to Brennan's CIA", RoJo??

Sen. Ron Johnson has a committee slot which allowed him to be captured by the "Intel" cabal, so now RoJo recites their playbook lines about 'depth of experience' and 'traditions,' and yadayadayadayada bullshit farkwinkle mumblemumble.  The very same yadayadayada bullshit farkwinkle mumblemumble which "concluded" that Muh Russia handed the Presidency to Trump.

Yah, that's 'depth of experience' and 'tradition,' Ron.

Johnson tells us that "ISIS remains present" in the Middle East.  No kidding, Ron!!  So does sand, Mohammedanism, Judaism, and Christianity, not to mention camels and boundary disputes.  I'm not a member of CIA and I can tell you that, too.

Is this the same CIA which had a Communist as its head during the Obozo years, Ron?  How many of his appointees remain in upper management slots there, Ron?

Remember 9/11, RoJo?  Did the "depth of experience" and "traditions" of "intel" help us there?  And by the way, RoJo, whatever happened to the Saudi nationals who helped to pull that off?  Hmmmmmmmmmm??

 "I think it would just be tragic if we bugged out, left the Kurds -- who by large have done the fighting and defeated the ISIS caliphate, the territory and caliphate and ISIS -- if we just abandoned them to the mercy -- and I use that term loosely --of Russian and Iran and possibly Turkey," Johnson said.
"Possibly"?  POSSIBLY??  Ron, if you had been paying attention, you'd know that Turkey would LOVE to eliminate the Kurds.  I know you have to play patty-cake with our "ally"--which is no more an "ally" than is Venezuela--but gee, Ron.  What is the "intel community" feeding you?

Some woman came over here and told you that it is 'helpful' to have US troops being targets in the Middle East because.......well, DUH!, RoJo.....that way muh Russia.....oh, sure, Ron.  RUSSIA is the problem in the Middle East.  Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia.  You sound like Hillary.

Why don't you fix ObamaCare, Ron, like you said you would? 

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