Sunday, February 24, 2019

Laity Commanded To Take "Safe Space" Training

For the comical relief in today's postings, we have this, edited and abridged from a local parish bulletin:

"Safe Environment Education" training is MANDATORY for ALL ADULTS--moms AND dads--who in any way, shape, or form, work or volunteer with ANY minors in Catholic schools or parishes:  playground, lunchroom, library, coaching, aides, health room, or ANY other activity.

OK, then.

Are Bishops and Cardinals required to take the same course vis-a-vis their interactions with seminarians and priests?   Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???

1 comment:

  1. I stopped teaching religious ed when this started at my parish 8 years ago. I was told it's no big deal. I was also told priests didn't have to take the same class. I haven't volunteered with children in any way since that time and started homeschooling my children in their religious ed.
