Wednesday, January 09, 2019

The Usual Lying From the Press

Put on your *shocked* face; the Press is lying about Trump.  Again.

Here is the local rag covering itself in glory cat shit by running the story ginned up by its National Masters.

A few quick items:

....President Donald Trump laid out his case for full funding for his long-promised border wall by repeating several of the misstatements and exaggerations that his administration has been trumpeting for weeks.....

So what ARE these 'misstatements' and 'exaggerations'?

...Trump cast immigrants with a dark brush, listing off murders committed by undocumented immigrants without mentioning that immigrants actually have a lower crime rate than native-born Americans....
If  you're stupid enough to miss the obvious, here's the obvious:  Trump listed murders committed by undocumented immigrants.  Did I mention that CNN lies more frequently than the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel?  No, because like the 'lower crime rate' clause above it does NOT diminish the truth of what Trump said.

...He said drugs were pouring across the southern border without mentioning that the vast majority cross through ports of entry, not the vast stretches in between where he wants to erect his wall....
Well, ARE 'drugs pouring across the southern border'?  Yes, yes indeed!!  And putting up a wall will force more of them through POE's, thus allowing more seizures--exactly what the American public expects from law enforcement.

...Schumer and other Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, but that law funded about 700 miles of fencing, not a wall to span the entire 2,000-mile border. ...
Trump never asked for 2,000 miles of wall; he's asking for about 1,000 miles or a little less.  Another case of the misstatements and exaggerations of the Press Most Foul.

That wraps up today's lesson in Lying By Press.  So many lies, so little time....

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