Sunday, January 27, 2019

Revive 'The Index' For Dan Horan!

Several years ---well, OK, decades -- ago, the Catholic Church maintained a list of books which were likely to turn the reader into a Prot, or atheist, or indifferentist, or worse, a Member of Congress or lawyer.

(It's possible that I gratuitously added the last two.)

That list was called "The Index."  It no longer is kept, which may have something to do with....

Daniel Horan, OFM.

Anyhow.  We can start another "Index" just with his bio!!  This would include colleges which are occasions of, umnnnhhhh, Protestantism, atheism, indefferentism, or.......Yah.  You get the idea.

He is currently assistant professor of systematic theology and spirituality at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.[3] He is a columnist for National Catholic Reporter.[4] He studied Theology (in the School of Arts and Sciences) and Journalism (in the Jandoli School of Journalism) at St. Bonaventure University and studied in the Master of Arts in Systematic Theology and Master of Divinity programs at the Washington Theological Union. He earned a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Boston College. He previously taught in the Department of Religious Studies at Siena College in Loudonville, N.Y., and summer courses in the Department of Theology at St. Bonaventure University, the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College, and at Catholic Theological Union. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of St. Bonaventure University and the Board of Regents of Franciscan School of Theology. He previously served several terms on the International Thomas Merton Society Board of Directors [5] and is a former columnist at America magazine.[6]
He has written extensively on Franciscan theology, philosophy, and spirituality[7] as well as given lectures and delivered academic papers (around the U.S., Canada, and Europe) on the theological and social significance of the work of Thomas Merton.[8] He has also given workshops and delivered lectures on the intersection of the Millennial Generation and spirituality.[9] His current work focuses on postmodern thought and the use of medieval franciscan thinkers like John Duns Scotus as well as the authentic retrieval of their thought for contemporary theological inquiry; the life, work and thought of Thomas Merton; and contemporary systematic and constructive theologies.
Yup.  Lots of places to avoid, papers and books to burn--and Good Reasons to be Suspicious--like for example, why do both Rembert Weakland OSB and Daniel Horan OFM seem to be so......enamored.........of Thomas Merton?



  1. How does he find the time to say the Holy Mass, to give Sacramental Confession, to give spiritual direction, to say the Rosary, daily, to read Scripture, to maintain his own formation?

  2. Oh brother! Thomas Merton!
    He needs to study “the life, work and thought of” Jesus in the Bible and visit Jesus in Adoration and frequent the Sacraments, especially Confession.
