Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How Mueller Corrupted the FBI

Reminder:  Mueller ran the FBI for 12 years; Comey succeeded him.  Thus, we have 15+ years of utter corruption at the very top, which has a great deal to do with the corruption throughout the entrire outfit.

How did Mueller manage to destroy the FBI?

Mueller implemented an “up or out” policy where all SSAs were required to move to DC and do Headquarters time or lose their GS 14 pay grade. This policy change by Mueller purposely targeted the most senior Agents in the FBI who had finally earned the right to move their family to a medium sized office in fly over country, had teenage kids and were living a comfortable life.
Mueller knew these Agents would not uproot their families and move to DC. Hundreds of these senior Agents immediately retired. Literally thousands of years of investigative experience left the FBI overnight.
This is exactly what Mueller wanted. These were the men and women who would have called Mueller out when he started transforming the FBI from a criminal investigative organization into a domestic intelligence organization (it is illegal to collect intelligence on American citizens).
Mueller immediately began filling the ranks with Strozk/Page types. The FBI does extensive psychological screening of applicants. Stroke and Page are self interested, well-educated cowards whose only motivation is their own promotion and paycheck. In other words they are people who will be blindly loyal to the Agency and will obey any order no matter how un-Constitutional or unlawful. This is the psychological profile that Mueller and Comey actively recruited and hired.
On the flip-side, combat veterans, patriots, have been denied employment by the FBI at all costs (they all mysteriously fail the polygraph and background check).
  Simple.  Screw the seniors, hire only toadies.

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