Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Echoes of Carlson: Zmirak

The Tucker Carlson attack on America's economic structure has generated a number of follow-on essays.  Zmirak makes a contribution which is very significant and which will be reviled and spat-upon by the usual suspects (I will say it out loud):  communists disguised as 'egalitarians' and 'women's rights' advocatesYes, it's Marxist analysis (money, money, money), and the 1964-model Republicans (now led by Mitt Romney and his ilk) swallowed the bait because they are The Stupid Party.

....The problem isn’t a genuinely free market, but the unfree market that now prevails in America. That’s been a problem at least since 1964. That’s when Southern Democrats, trying to kill the Civil Rights Act, added “sex” to “race” discrimination as part of what we were outlawing. But Republicans went ahead and championed the bill, and it passed. Suddenly, private businesses that used to routinely pay more to attract that desirable quantity — a stable, reliable married man with mouths to feed — could no longer do so.

Social conservative Alan Carlson’s book, The American Way, shows what a departure this was. For centuries, churches, reformers, and even women’s groups had backed a “family wage” that would benefit stay-at-home wives and children. The New Deal, much of it conceived by socially conservative Catholic Democrats, aimed at helping families stay together.

Quite rightly, defenders of the free market opposed laws mandating a “family wage.” But if private businesses, churches, or others concerned about family stability and promoting marriage wanted to offer it, the state wouldn’t prosecute them. And many did offer it. Beyond social concern, many saw the advantage in hiring and keeping “established” fathers of families rather than rootless single men or women.

In 1964, that private market choice became illegal sex discrimination. The explosion of radical feminism, of course, went much further, and effectively declared war on “male privilege,” wherever it existed.....
(If you can obtain old copies of "The Family in America" published by the Rockford Institute and largely written by Alan Carlson, you will have a treasury.  Since Carlson was ignored and/or mocked by NeoCons--ascendant at the time--his warnings and documentation are not easily available.  Too bad.....)

The War on Marriage and The Family continues apace; Our Betters have decreed that homosexual "marriage" is just as good as actual marriage; that boys can no longer be boys' and that men who act like men are Toxic.

Carlson--no matter the minor problems in his discussion--has done us a great favor by kicking open the doors to this dark chamber.  Think there's an actual social conservative constituency??  How about just ONE actual Social Conservative congressman?

ADDED:  More here at American Greatness.  This is becoming quite a lively and useful debate (or it might be useful if The Stupid Party pays attention.)

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