Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Tucker Carlson: More Than Just a Bow-Tie

We've caught Carlson's evening show on Fox a few times.  It's enjoyable to watch him dismantle the Usual Suspect Left-o-Wackies; he does it so regularly and so easily that one wonders how he gets them to show up more than once.

Maybe it's his charm or something.

Anyhow, Carlson groks a lot more than stylish neckwear.  He's written a book entitled Ship of Fools; here's a pull-quote from a review of same:

...We must celebrate the fact that a nation that was overwhelmingly European, Christian, and English-speaking fifty years ago has become a place with no ethnic majority, immense religious pluralism, and no universally shared culture or language. It’s called diversity. It’s our highest value.

In fact diversity is not a value. It’s a neutral fact, inherently neither good nor bad. Lost in the mindless celebration of change is an obvious question: why should a country with no shared language, ethnicity, religion, culture or history remain a country? Countries don’t hang together simply because....

Yes.  In fact, countries hang together because of a shared culture, and Carlson understands that "culture" is derived from "cult."  "Cult" as in "religion."

Here the reviewer:

...One side is animated by a vision of man as a limitless, self-creating individual entitled to go anywhere, and become anything: “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life,” as the Supreme Court [actually, that fatuous babbling wacko Kennedy] famously put it. What motivates the other side is a conception of man as a being both finite and fallen, a being obliged to be grateful to the particular culture and traditions which nurtured him, and called to seek his place in a cosmic order ordained by God. Put another way, the Catholic who voted for Clinton does not disagree with the Catholic who voted for Trump simply about finer points of policy, or about political principles, or even about particular points of the Catechism. Rather, the disagreement stems from mutually exclusive ideas about what it means to be Christian. And these mutually exclusive ideas about what it means to be Christian are bound up with mutually exclusive ideas about what it means to be human....
There's a lot of 'net chatter about the ever-widening split in this country.  It's not very hard to see the real core issue:  either you believe in God--as Christians understand Him--or you don't.  Moslems don't.  Atheists don't.  Secular Jews don't.  And a lot of "believers" are--in fact--practical atheists, saying one thing and acting differently.

This may end badly, indeed.

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