Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Usual: "Catholic" Campaign Supports Bad Guys

It's not news that the staffs of the US Council of Catholic Bishops and its Catholic Campaign for Human Development are filled with termites who think that "social justice" means supporting abortion, gay marriage, chemical birth controls and Marxist Medicine (ObozoCare).  Bishop Malloy, when he was Exec Secretary of that Bernardin-founded hot mess, fired or "retired" a lot of the anti-Catholics infesting the place.

But Malloy has been gone for quite some time, and the disease he fought was never cured.

...The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) encourages Catholics to support its Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which it says helps those on the margins. Yet in the last several years, roughly half a million dollars, much of which comes from Catholics in the pews, has gone to two organizations involved in promoting abortion and homosexuality and other actions that conflict with Catholic teaching.

LifeSiteNews inquired with CCHD leadership about the contents of the two Lepanto Institute reports and how grants to the two groups associated with promoting abortion and homosexuality reconcile with its mission and that of the Church, and did not hear back....
Altogether, the US Bishops have covered themselves in shame during 2018.  They should disband USCC and all its pomps and works, sell the DC building, and return to governing the Church the way Canon Law mandates:  each Bishop responsible for his own Diocese.

(In Milwaukee, that should include formally silencing the homosexualist Bryan Massingale.)

But all those solutions would require courage.  Since the Bishops as a whole try their best to imitate Congress in political maneuvers and ass-covering, we have a problem, no? 

NOTA BENE:  I had not read Jayd Henricks' piece before I wrote the last graf above.  He's more erudite, but has the same message.  Imagine that!!

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