Monday, November 05, 2018

At the UN, Dipwads Still in Charge

The talking points are the usual bedwetter drivel, written by the usual Alinskyites.  The idea is to make racism identical to nationalism and populism.  Yes, that's ridiculous on its face, but hey:  "ridiculous on its face" is the actual motto of the UN and the Trotsky/Alinsky/Sorosites therein.

The United Nations representative in the Human Rights Council tasked with studying contemporary racism said the world body needs to address nationalist populism's incitement and hate groups' reliance on social media....

The writer of the report is a professor of law at UCLA, by the way.

...“Action is required by more states to implement anti-hate speech laws and ensure equality and non-discrimination including online, in accordance with international human rights law,” Achiume added.  “Criminal and civil penalties alone will not put an end to racial and xenophobic intolerance. A state’s first step must be explicit recognition that the proliferation of nationalist populist mobilizations and Neo-Nazi groups threaten racial equality.”...

Racism is an evil.  But 'nationalism' is not 'racism,' and 'populism' is not 'racism.'  Now then.  If you want to have an active discussion about that, meet the 2nd Amendment!

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