Friday, September 14, 2018

Fake "Harassment" Call on Kavanaugh

Typical scumbag (D) low-road.

An anonymous female (?) sent a missive to China-Spy Feinstein a few months ago alleging that Kavanaugh attempted to rape her after locking her into a high-school classroom.


Witness absolutely refuses to be identified, of course (just like the "anonymous" who supposedly is a "senior" player in the Administration.)

Why, sure!!

I have a question:  if Kavanaugh really attempted a rape during high-school, where was this shy and retiring violet Anonymous when he was nominated for the Court of Appeals in 2008?

Attempted rape is serious; it's not like using double-entendre language, or pulling a ponytail.  What, did this "victim" suddenly wake up from a 35-year nap?


  1. Maybe he left a pubic hair on a Coke can. Just sayin............

  2. Wouldn't surprise me if they bought the script from Anita Hill for $20.00; about the right price for a cheap....ahh.......
