Thursday, September 20, 2018

(D) Desperation Well-Founded

The level of "Reeeeeeeeee Reeeeeeeeee" screeching from the D party since the crushing defeat of Hillary has grown in both intensity and frequency, culminating (so far) with the completely-invented smearing of a SCOTUS candidate, the release of an "anonymous" essay in the NYSlimes crowing about the Deep State's resistance, and the ongoing festering social disease known as 'Robert Mueller's investigation' into not-really-Russki-collusion, but some damn thing, who knows?

There's a reason for that.

The (D) Party is facing an existential crisis in the person of Donald Trump.  He captured Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan--which the (D) slime thought that they owned.  And he captured it by getting the votes of the Reagan Democrats--working-class men.

Since then, his poll numbers with Hispanics and blacks have gone straight up, as those people began to understand that the Trump economy has lots of jobs to offer, and the Trump immigration policies keep MS-13 and other criminal slime out of the American barrios.

Only the gays, the cat-lady/barren feminazis, and the .000000003% of voters who are trannies remain--plus a scattering of old white guys (and old white women) who cannot add 1+1 and get 2, anyway.

It's a crisis, alright.  If they do not get their "blue wave", they may sink to the level of membership enjoyed by the Greens, or the Communist Party USA; IOW, their core membership.


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