Saturday, September 22, 2018

Crying From the Pubbies

Wiggy is despondent.

...Right now, the Democrats are fired with enthusiasm, while the GOP is hanging on until it’s fired. Volunteers are scarce. You can’t even get Republicans to man the phones or throw candy at parades for candidates....

Really, James?

I have not been a member of the Pubbies for fifteen years or more, but showed up to make phone calls on behalf of GWBush (2nd campaign) and I marched in a parade, tossing candy, for an Assembly candidate who is currently an appeals court judge.  (He won that race because of the candy-tossers!!)

My phone number has changed, but my email address has not, and it is simple to find anyone's home address these days.  Intertubes and all that, ya'know.

Here's an idea, James, and you Pubbie Party bosses:  ASK FOR HELP.

As to the (D) helpers:  as usual, that party relies on unemployed or semi-employed people (like teachers, for example) and very often they even pay the help.  Conservatives tend to work more than 6 hours/day, have families which need supervision, and stuff like that.  Responsibilities, ya'know.

And as we've also mentioned, neither big campaign in this State has been particularly inspiring.

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