Thursday, September 27, 2018

Bloomberg Bloviations on Kavanaugh

For those of you who understand what a threat Bloomberg is, this is not news.  If you don't know the jackassery of this Rich New York Twit, this is only one small sliver of the Poop Pie Bloomberg serves up every day.

The first thing you notice is the false dichotomy.  This is not "...a battle between #MeToo and Republicans."  It's a battle between what is true and what is false.  But Bloomberg has no interest in truth.  Instead, Bloomberg will slander Republican senators:

...Republican senators will be seeking the cover they need to do what party activists desperately want them to do: confirm Judge Kavanaugh and consolidate a conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court for decades to come....
Do you remember the "Sensitive '90's Guy"?  This guy does, and he desperately wants to BE one!

...the decision to outsource the questioning to a woman who is not a senator seems at least a bit condescending. It looks as though the committee Republicans are so predetermined not to believe Ford that they need a buffer between them and her....

There.  He's so sensitive that he can't go outside when the sun is shining--sunburn, ya'know.

And no Bloomberg essay is complete without an effort to re-write history!!

...the decision not to question Ford directly has a certain logic to it. The Republicans remember the terrible optics when male Judiciary Committee members went after Anita Hill for her sexual harassment claims during Justice Clarence Thomas’s confirmation hearings in 1991....
Maybe terrible to you, but certainly not to the millions of Americans who wrote letters to Thomas expressing their unqualified support for him.  What size are those loafers you wear so lightly, fellow?

I'll give this creature some credit, though.  Here he's correct:

...They don’t want to create the same visual again — because it would raise the cost of voting to confirm Kavanaugh....

You mean that they don't have the cojones to do what's right--and you're probably correct.

At this time, the only real manhood to be found in politics is in the White House.  (It is not to be found in the Governor's Mansion in Wisconsin, either.)

Anyhow.  Bloomberg wants to become the President and he will spread this sort of girly-boy propaganda in his path to get there. 

We need not mention that he WILL confiscate all your guns, do we?

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