Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Church's Homosexual Culture

Cardinal Burke is right.

Commenting on the sexual abuse problems in the Catholic Church, as evident in the recent cases of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on abuse, Cardinal Raymond Burke, an American, said it is obvious there is a poisonous "homosexual culture" among some priests and bishops and that there "needs to be an open recognition that we have a very grave problem of a homosexual culture in the Church."...

That culture crawls into every decision made by Church authorities.  It's not only the Big Scandals of actively practicing homosexual Cardinals, Bishops, and priests, or Bishop/Priest/Cardinal homosexual rapists who see to it that the 'right boys' get the right appointments and positions such as wealthy parishes, or tenured professorial slots, or high-visibility sees such as D.C., Chicago, L.A., (etc.)--or even Vatican administrative jobs from which all sorts of gate-keeping and protection maneuvers can be executed.  That's bad enough.

It's the little scandals, too, such as allowing homosexualists like James Martin and Brian Massingale to contradict or undermine Catholic doctrine on the matter, confusing tens of thousands of Catholics--and their young male children.  Those "little scandals" occur because Bishops--whether homosexuals or not--allow them to occur, knowing that The Boys' Clubs will make a lot of trouble for them, ranging from PoofterPoutingParades through 'outing', or even worse.

Consider, for example, Fr. Al Kunz.  That was a message.  It got attention.

1 comment:

  1. And how brazen they've become! For a real shocker, see the online ad for a conference just held in England called the Quest Conference. This conference had the LGBT supporters Fr. James Martin and his coterie of pals. See the image on the top of the page? See the boy's hand on the left, which appears a young teens hand, and the man's hand on the right. The hands are flirtatiously walking toward each other. Here's the kicker, James Martin wrote a book on LGBT and the church, something about bridges, and the two hands are walking over a BRIDGE of a child's BLOCKS. This is appalling, shocking in its open promotion of pederasty. These men are evil, just evil.
    We need to get homosexuals out of the priesthood and the church.
