Saturday, August 04, 2018

Pubbie Poohbah Blindlings

Henry Olsen, whom we've cited before, tries to help (R) Party bigwigs who are not blinded by the Chamber of Commerce/Koch Brothers pieces of silver....

...Trump got fewer votes than Romney in the major suburban areas of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Wisconsin, yet he carried all four states where Romney couldn’t even come close. Trump’s winning margins exceeded Romney’s by a minimum of 6 percent in five other states (North Dakota, Montana, Missouri, Indiana, and West Virginia) with incumbent Democratic senators up this year. It should be clear that the GOP’s majority and control of the presidency rest on the votes of white, blue-collar Democrats and independents. Yet no one talks about these voters as a distinct group to win over. They are presumed to be part of “the base.”...

"The base."  Voters who NEVER vote (D).  Well.....

...If that were true, President Romney would be nearly halfway through his second term. If that were true, the GOP would have won every presidential election between 1980 and 2008, losing only when the Great Recession threw millions of these voters out of work. If that were true, American politics for the past 30 years would be completely different.

The fact that this is not true, and yet the Republican Party leadership continues to act like it is, explains why the GOP continues to struggle to retain power whenever it achieves it....

I think that Olsen is mostly correct.  He opines that the blue-collar Pubbies (really, Reagan Democrats) are principally concerned with 'three hots, a cot,' and a lot less war-making than the globaloney Pubbie boyzzzz want to have.

Well, yes.  But he also opines that these folks are 'not motivated by culture wars in either direction.'  Errmmmm.....I suspect that putting boys into the girls' room motivates the Hell out of these voters, Henry.

But that's just me, a Dad....

Meantime, Olsen 'splains why the RNC and RCCC will jointly throw away a special election in Ohio.

Cap'n Biff of the Weekly Standard will be proud.

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