Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sierra Club No Longer Owns EPA. They're Pissy-Faced About It

Since the Sierra Club and its little cousin the Environmental Working Group--both are far-left Green-outside/Red-inside outfits--hav been tossed to the curb by Trump's man Pruitt, they has been all pissy-faced about it and are perfectly happy to lie by omission about what Pruitt's doing.

Case in point:  Pruitt was offered a ride in a new electric-powered Lexus.  He was NOT offered a free car, nor even a 10-day freebie--just a lunch-hour ride around DC in the car.  EWG characterized that as a flat-out bribe.

That's because Toyota Motors offered to review EPA management practices with the objective of streamlining them.  That's something that Toyota can do very well--the company is world-renowned for its "Toyota System" which produces good cars AND good profits consistently.  (If you've heard of "kan-ban", you know about Toyota's systems--and that's only a small part of it.)

Because the Green/Red lobby hates Pruitt and Trump, who are determined to take away the Free Candy from those babies, Toyota backed out of the management-review gig.

And Pruitt, like Trump, continues to suffer the slanders from Big Green/Red.

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