Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Fixing the Social Security Crisis: Kids!!!

There are a few things that can be done immediately to fix the Social Security crisis.  They are remarkably small things, such as pushing 'retirement' age out by a year or so, increasing contributions by 1% (individual) plus 1% (employer), and ending the "cap" on Social Security-taxable earnings.

But there's something which is FAR more important than all of those--and which will last FAR longer to the benefit of the United States of America.

Have children within marriage.  Lots of 'em.

To that end, I link an essay which is remarkable for its veracity and clarity.  A couple of excerpts:

...The measure of successful parenthood, and therefore happy, healthy childhoods, is nearly always reduced to this: how much of your life energy are you devoting to your child?

Not only is this frame of determining a child’s welfare too narrow, it is distorting our view of what makes a happy, healthy family. A family is not a series of unilateral connections that funnel resources and guidance between a parent and each of his or her children, but rather a tightly woven web of relationships among all members of the family....

Measuring by materialism's standards is--after all--Marxist, whether or not 'good Calvinists' agree with that statement.

...The truth is that siblings are a vastly underrated blessing. They teach older siblings to look after and protect those younger and more vulnerable. They provide role models for younger siblings to emulate. That extends beyond learning to walk and talk sooner to learning responsibility and how to interact with others in constructive ways.

Siblingship doesn’t just foster cooperation, compromise, and forgiveness, it requires them. You can’t divorce your sister or kick her out of the house. Learning to get along is a necessity, and the skills and character necessary to do that will help children thrive now and much later in life....

Yah, well, sometimes that doesn't work out perfectly.   So what?

...Big families aren’t inefficient economic units. They’re interesting and loud and dramatic and fun, and they produce more lifelong relationships that will continue to enrich your sons’ and daughters’ lives long after you die. Instead of ridiculing big families or dismissing them as unworkable, critics might consider having one themselves....

And to those old ladies in the grocery who raise their eyebrows at your family, or make insulting remarks--well, just smile sweetly and ask how their cats are doing, and are there any kitty-cat-grandchildren yet?


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