Sunday, May 13, 2018

Last Man Standing!!!!

We have been DVRing the re-runs of Last Man Standing for quite some time; they are funny even on the third time around.

The show will return on the Fox network next fall.  Rumor has it that Vanessa and Ed may not be available.  Both those characters were VERY well played; we'll have to wait and see.

It's hard to pick out extraordinary themes from that show, but the interplay between the Baxters (Tim Allen and Nancy Travis) and his next-door neighbors, Chuck and Carol Larabee (who are black) rank as "best." 

And the Princeton Religion-major (!!) Molly Ephraim (Mandy Baxter) has Valley Girl self-absorption and clueless-ness down to a science.

This will be fun!!

And by all means, DVR the old seasons, too.....

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