Thursday, March 22, 2018

Little Cock Robin

"Who killed Cock Robin?" "I," said the Sparrow,
"With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin."
"Who saw him die?" "I," said the Fly,
"With my little eye, I saw him die."
"Who caught his blood?" "I," said the Fish,
"With my little dish, I caught his blood."
"Who'll make the shroud?" "I," said the Beetle,
"With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud."
"Who'll dig his grave?" "I," said the Owl,
"With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave."
In today's news, "Cock Robin" Vos is scheming to make private (father-son, friend-friend) gun sales illegal in Wisconsin.  (An alternative version of his name is "Little Cock" Robin, FYI.)

Who'll dig HIS grave??

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Memes, Have a look
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    This is to good and had to share.

