Thursday, February 22, 2018

Story of Charlottesville, R. 2.3 (b)

It seems that the "Dodge Charger" part of the Charlottesville Narrative may be very difficult to sustain--at least, the Narrative originally constructed by the Progressive Press.

....filled with impotent hatred at the sight of so many kind and caring people, one young Nazi floored the gas pedal on his Dodge Challenger and purposely murdered a sweet young woman in an act of racist domestic terrorism.

Bet you didn’t know that there is no known footage of the Dodge actually making contact with that woman’s body and that her own mother told NBC News that her daughter died of a heart attack. Bet you also didn’t know that a female reporter at the scene initially issued a series of tweets claiming police said “the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat” and “His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent” and “several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn’t malicious…[he] was scared,” only to delete all those tweets a day later once The Narrative had taken hold....

And some Anthropology Prof is now bragging that he pointed a rifle at the Dodge before the car took off down the street....

...Bet you also didn’t know that Dwayne Dixon—a scrawny and skeevy anthropology professor who looks as if he was the spawn of an HIV+ lesbian and a naked mole rat—bragged on Facebook about chasing James Fields, driver of that fateful Dodge Challenger, away with a gun only moments before the fatal incident...

That murder trial should prove to be very interesting, indeed.

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