Thursday, February 08, 2018

Dystopia Coming Soon.....

Nothing more fun than reading about the Smart People's plans for you, eh?  There's a new book floating around titled The History of Tomorrow. is an important to know about this 2017 book. The author is Yuval Noah Harari, a history professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His books have become New York Times bestsellers and enjoyed endorsements from people like former President Barack Obama and Bill Gates. You can safely say he is on the cutting edge of everything liberal and heretical.

Indeed, the book reflects every liberal cause from global warming, same-sex “marriage,” to radical relativism. His mystical overtones embrace an ancient gnostic heresy or two. His secular side can be found in his broadsides against religion. Even Marxist analysis finds its way into the book

It would appear that Hebrew U. has the same sort of problems that Georgetown U. has:  professors who will have NOTHING to do with the religion supposedly advocated by the institution they work for.  Sad.


...Liberalism is dying, the victim of its own success. It will be replaced with a revolution aimed at changing human nature.

The worst thing is that you perceive he is not alone in believing in this chilling future. He speaks for a progressive class of scientists, businessmen and scholars that are all onboard....

If you smell Brave New World here, your olfactories are working fine.  And--as usual--this Project, too, will wither (or crash) and die.  But that doesn't mean we can escape it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting a strong whiff of That Hideous Strength...
